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Cited for Driving While Revoked? Call Matt Davenport

Because North Carolina law calls for automatic license suspension whenever a driver collects too many tickets within a 12-month or 18-month period, it sometimes happens that a driver is pulled over on a fresh violation only to discover that he or she is already driving on a suspended or revoked license.

Contact an experienced traffic violations lawyer at the Law Office of Matthew J. Davenport in Greenville to learn how you can avoid the worst consequences of a ticket for driving while revoked or suspended — an additional suspension of 12 months or longer.

Protecting your license depends on the right moves in the right sequence

Defense attorney Matt Davenport has a thorough knowledge of the North Carolina traffic code, and also understands the practical workings of the criminal justice system in Pitt County. He uses this knowledge and experience to help his clients resolve serious driver’s license problems without lengthy suspension periods.

The key to protecting your license in the face of a driving while revoked ticket is to take the right legal steps in the right order. This might involve filing one or more motions to reopen old traffic violations before dealing with the current ticket. It might mean seeking relief on prior tickets in multiple counties. Whatever approach best suits your particular circumstances, you can depend on Matt Davenport to think it through carefully and explain it in terms you can understand.

Failure to appear on a recent traffic violation can also lead to suspension

There are several ways to get your license suspended or revoked in North Carolina: any DWI conviction without applying for a hardship license, accumulating too many points against your license, or even failing to show up for a court date if you haven’t paid the ticket beforehand.

In any case, most drivers who deal with tickets for driving while revoked discover that resolving the problem themselves normally results in an additional year’s suspension. To recover your driving privilege without further sanctions takes careful planning and timing. Contact the Law Office of Matthew J. Davenport in Greenville to learn how our approach can work for you.