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Criminal Law Glossary
Criminal law encompasses a wide range of issues. Here, we have compiled a glossary of some common criminal law terms.

Preparing to Meet With a Criminal Defense Attorney
When you meet with a criminal defense attorney for the first time, it is important to be prepared for the meeting so that you can have a productive meeting and cover all the legal issues you wish to address. If you have been charged with a crime, you likely have many questions for your lawyer. This article provides a brief overview of how to prepare for a meeting with a criminal defense attorney.

Fourth Amendment Rights and Search Warrants
The Fourth Amendment protects individuals against unreasonable searches and seizures. Generally, for a search to be considered reasonable and lawful, the police must have a search warrant. However, there are several important exceptions to this requirement. This article provides a brief overview of Fourth Amendment rights, search warrants and situations in which a search warrant is not required.

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